Project: Suez Isle of Man – Shutdown and Maintenance
Client: Sita Suez
Location: Richmond Hill, Isle of Man
Duration: 24 Day Steam to Steam – 15 Day Mechanical Window
Contract Type: Fixed Price
RIS Scope of Work: Full Grate Overhaul, 1st / 2nd Pass Division Wall Replacement
Disciplines/Trades: Rigging, Fitting, Welding and NDT.
Description: Suez Isle of Man has been operating for 15 years with RIS carrying out maintenance, repairs and outage works under a framework contract since November 2015. Suez have a biannual shutdown strategy, the work-scope undertaken during each outage is dependent and therefore the duration of the outage is dependent upon inspection results of the previous outage.
During the November 2019 Outage, there was a requirement to replace the 1st / 2nd Pass Division wall at the same time as a full grate overhaul. The division wall required the replacement of 8No 6 tube wide 4.121m long panels. The panels were manufactured within the United Kingdom from 57mm OD by 5mm thk 16Mo3 tubing, complete with 2mm of spiral wound Inconel 625.
The integration of the two distinct packages of work, along with the other inspection activities, required detailed planning and close coordination with the client supplied scaffolding organisation.
The logistical elements of all the projects undertaken on the Isle of Man cannot be understated. All materials, plant, PPE, equipment and consumables must be transported to the island on a just in time basis. Additionally, the labour mobilised to the island require accommodating and transporting around the island, it is also understood that the RIS Team represents not only RIS but Suez whilst on the island and therefore the deportment of individuals mobilised on and off site is vital.
The team is managed on-site buy the site Manager, supported by day and night shift supervisors and a QA engineer.
Project Highlights: Until this project all 360 spiral wound tubing was supplied via Sweden. The UK now has two facilities that can perform this process and these panels were manufactured from UK over-layed tubing. The onsite works were completed without any safety incidents and within the project timescales. In addition, extra works emanating from the inspections were completed by the site team within the project window.